Herbal Tea Remedies
"Name": "Anodyne/Rheumatism",
"Description": "
<p>A relaxing and cleansing anodyne with significant inflamation
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Blood Builder",
"Description": "
<p>Usefull remedy post-operativley or after child birth or in
general convalescence to rebuild blood stores and as a general
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Breast Feeding Tea",
"Description": "
<p>A simple breat feeding tea that is both relaxing and highly
nutritious for mom and babe. Added carminitives help ease any
potential colic.</p>
<p>Add Goats Rue if milk production is short.</p>
<p>Please see parinatal catalogue for other mom and babe formulas
from pre-conception to two years.</p>
"Herbs": [
{"Unit Type":"225g",
"Unit Price":42.00,
"Sale Price":,
"Sale Month":""}
"Name": "Cardiac Tea",
"Description": "
<p>A cardiac nutritive and potent antioxidants to strengthen
vascular walls and improve ionotropic and chronotropic cardiac
"Herbs": [
{"Unit Type":"60 g",
"Unit Price":13.00,
"Sale Price":,
"Sale Month":""}
"Name": "Circulation Support Tea",
"Description": "
<p>Pour 1 cup of just boiled water over ____ heaping teaspoonful of
mixed herb; steep x 10 min. Then strain, sweeten with honey if
desired. Drink ____ cup(s) up to ____ times per day.</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Clear Skin Tea",
"Description": "
<p>This is an old fashioned remedy used for lymphatic acne.
It can also be used for spring or fall cleanses along with
sambucus berry extract or alone as a gentle anytime cleanse as a
<p>For teenage acne for girls a tincture with a gentle
hormonal/blood purifying influence</p>
<p>--cnicus benedictus, phytolacca, leonurus, plantain and
rubus...add codonopsis or eleutherococcus for c/o fatigue</p>
<p>For teenage boys use a tincture along with the tea;
turnera, withania, phytolacca, bupleurum and hydrastis..add
alittle panax quinquifolium for fatigue or panax ginseng for
moderate to severe fatigue</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Emotional Wellness Infusion",
"Description": "
<p>A gentle mood uplifting influence is exerted by this age old tea
blend remedy. May be drunk hot or cold. Do not take if on MAO
inhibiters, SSRI's or specific dosing drugs.</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Hawthorn Heart Tonic Tea",
"Description": "
<p>A cardiac nutritive and potent antioxidants to strengthen
vascular walls and improve ionotropic and chronotropic cardiac
<p>Pour 1 cup of just boiled water over ____ heaping teaspoonful of
mixed herb; steep x 10 min. Then strain, sweeten with honey if
desired. Drink ____ cup(s) up to ____ times per day.</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Hearts-ease Nervine Tea",
"Description": "",
"Herbs": [
"Name": "HRT/Ballance Tea/Decoction",
"Description": "
<p>Dose: Pour 1 cup just boiled water over 1 heaping teaspoon ful
of mixed herb; steep for 10 min. strain, sweeten with honey is
desired. Drink 1 cup up to 3 times daily.</p>
<p>May be decoction - see instructions.</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Inflammation Pain Relief",
"Description": "
<p><strong>Dose</strong>: (Non-comfrey)</p>
<p>Pour 1 cup of just boiled water over ____ heaping teaspoonful of
mixed herb; steep x 10 min. Then strain, sweeten with honey if
desired. Drink ____ cup(s) up to ____ times per day.</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Inflammation Tea",
"Description": "
<p>A very popular and effective tea for painful muscles, joints,
and general inflammation while keeping stomach acids balanced.</p>
<p>Pour 1 cup of just boiled water over ____ heaping teaspoonful of
mixed herb; steep x 10 min. Then strain, sweeten with honey if
desired. Drink ____ cup(s) up to ____ times per day.</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Knit Bone Tea",
"Description": "
<p>Comfrey leaf added</p>
<p>This formula is excellent for post trauma injury or broken bones
to assist the bone and sinew to strength. A very mild formula
but very effective. Filipendula and chamomile add an
anti-inflammatory effect</p>
<p>It is important to increase bioavailable minerals, calcium and
vitamins in the healing phase</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Liver Cleans",
"Description": "",
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Lymphatic Cleanse",
"Description": "
<p>Tea or Tincture</p>
<p>This old fashioned remedy is used for lymphatic acne, spring,
fall, anytime cleanse. As well as gout, arthritis with superior
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Nutritive Tea",
"Description": "
<p>Excellent to rebuild constitution with vitamins, minerals and
mild adaptogenic infection.</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Pectoral Relief Tea",
"Description": "
<strong>For</strong>: Coughing, tickle, chest affections, hacking,
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Sleepy Tyme Tea",
"Description": "
<p>A wonderful old-time herbalist remedy to gently ease you to
sleep. Safe for children also, especially when ill and restless.
Please use child dose chart.</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Soothing Sinus Tea",
"Description": "
<p>May Drink or snort</p>
<p>This soothing Sinus tea may be drunk or cooled off and used with
a nettle pot or both.</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Standard ENT Formula Tea",
"Description": "
<p>For coughing, tickle, chestinfections, hacking. Decongestant.
For very wet catarrhals: ask for euphrasia.</p>
<p>May add or substitute:</p>
<p>Hyssop<br />
Thuja<br />
Echinacea<br />
Thyme/Sage<br />
Solidago/Grindelia </p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Standard Hepatic Tea",
"Description": "
<p>Excellent for patients with liver damage from alcohol and drug
exposure, generalized weakened disorders and in lower doses an
excellent yearly detox formula.</p>
<p>pour 1 cup of just boiled water over ____ heaping teaspoonful of
mixed herb; steep x 10 min. Then strain, sweeten with honey if
desired. Drink ____ cup(s) up to ____ times per day.</p>
"Herbs": [
"Name": "Tummy Tea",
"Description": "
<p>An excellent soothing and healing tea for burning stomach or
dyspepsia. May drink a 2 or 3 ounces every hour or two until
stomach settles. Then span out to 4-6 times daily for a whole
cup. May take smaller doses more frequiently as applicable.
Use along with Slippery Elm gruel in the acute phase.
May also be used for occasional stomach upset to have on
"Herbs": [