The information on this web site should not be used as a substitute for advice from a qualified herbalist or health-care practitioner. Although we go to great lengths for accuracy, we cannot guarantee it to be so. Dosage information is provided as a general guide. Practitioners and observers alike should cross reference all dosage information with two or three other sources or source guides. Some medicinal herbs may cause allergic reactions in susceptible individuals, and others may not be right to use for particular health conditions. Always be sure to let your doctor and any other health care provider know what medications, herbal or any other supplements you may be on, including any allergies you may have.
The Dispensary cannot guarantee an e-mail response to all non-mail order enquiries; this is particularly true for enquiries about the sourcing of products which we do not stock.
All prices listed on the web site are subject to change without prior notice. In store prices always supersede web prices if a discrepancy exists between the two.